Shape Shifting Grocery Store Blues

Kyla Rochelle
Mar 9, 2023

It doesn’t have to smell like

shit dirt and booze

but it does

we are at the bottom of our priceline

and everyone is the odd man out

woven and lush

rescued citrus falls naked and bruised

dented ancient tuna

this where hope comes to live

we exact revenge on ourselves in the cookie aisle

the heat was turned off at my apartment

so I just buy one box.

Not two.

Across town

people stare at the latest edition Iphone

and listen to Vivaldi

while buying the same oranges

doubled over onto themselves

such a lovely day you say

but we’re all shape shifters

studying the price of Berberine Spice

one moment

cleaning shit off our pants the next.



Kyla Rochelle

I study my own experience and document it through poetry, observation and prose. I’m in a constant state of rebirth, looking into the soul of the new earth.